Saturday, December 13, 2014

Looking for a new home for my Sony NEX-C3 and a bunch of lenses and stuff

I am selling my Sony NEX-C3. It includes the Sony SEL1855, the Sony SEL1628, legacy lens adapters for Pentax K, M42, L/M39, Minolta MD, Canon FD and Nikon F(g), one Mitakon Wide MC 2.8/28, one Tokina 80-200, extra battery, charger and a bunch of other stuff. The Buy It Now price barely covers the two Sony lenses and the legacy lens adapters, so everything else is just gravy. And yes, I am accepting offers through the auction page. 

Here's the auction

Friday, February 14, 2014

Add custom speed settings to your ifit map workout allows you to build a workout walk/race/bike route simply by clicking on a Google Maps interface. You can then use a compatible ifit-enabled workout machine to recreate the route automatically. The problem is that the user interface still isn't final, so there are features in place that aren't exactly obvious.

For example, if you create a workout your machine starts at 1 MPH, because that's the default. But how to set it to start at say, 3 MPH?

Easy, just switch from map view to graph view:

That button switches from the Google Maps interface to a chart that allows you to visualize and control effort:

You can't change the elevation, this is fixed due to the geography that you selected. But you can drag the yellow (speed line) to change the speed of your device. 

What if you want to have segments at different speeds?

Easy, just click and drag and it will break the line, and you can drag each segment of the line independently:

As you can see, my route is now broken into three segments, each at a different speed.  I don't know if this works with all devices, but it definitely works with my Proform CST-505. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Sed lacinia tempus dolor, ut faucibus nisl sagittis id. Vivamus quis volutpat eros, eget aliquet nibh. Fusce vehicula, enim nec pharetra commodo, sem tortor pretium ligula, quis ullamcorper nulla ipsum ac odio. Nulla dignissim tellus in tellus bibendum, nec euismod metus ullamcorper. Nulla auctor mattis congue. Donec mauris augue, consequat eget ligula eu, feugiat laoreet tellus. Donec vitae erat eget arcu pulvinar mollis id sed enim. Nullam ornare consectetur semper.

Integer id vehicula magna, vel sodales urna. Praesent eget tellus eget nisl placerat sollicitudin. Morbi quis orci ipsum. Mauris at velit arcu. Integer non justo nisi. Curabitur rutrum, ligula id ultricies scelerisque, metus elit faucibus augue, at eleifend sapien arcu non purus. Vivamus venenatis, justo id cursus sagittis, nisl nisi egestas ligula, eu pretium eros ipsum vitae tortor.

Nullam interdum hendrerit dolor eget varius. Nam eleifend imperdiet mattis. Sed nec diam justo. Praesent tristique turpis eu lorem placerat, nec tincidunt ligula consectetur. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean eget imperdiet nulla. Morbi sed nulla non nibh eleifend interdum. Nam eu elementum neque. Morbi dolor magna, fringilla id consectetur vehicula, aliquet at eros. Curabitur fringilla augue lacinia interdum aliquam. Aenean a convallis sem. Aliquam a orci diam. Nullam quis varius turpis. Vestibulum sagittis diam pulvinar, molestie est id, pretium sapien. In ultrices metus ut felis vestibulum tristique.

Closing down shop

Since it is painfully obvious that Google doesn't care about Blogger as much as they used to, I don't see the point in running a blog here when everyone that reads my content is already reading it off Google Plus. Effective immediately I am going to put to sleep all of my blogs except for PedroJavier.Org. If you are one of the rare few that actually checks my content here instead of Google Plus, please circle me.